A MESSAGE FROM THE NORTH BAY WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ASSOCIATION During the past couple of years, The North Bay Workers’ Compensation Association successfully pivoted to an online format to be able to provide timely educational opportunities to our North Bay workers’ compensation community. We have found this to be an effective and economical method to provide this valuable resource. We look forward to exploring a hybrid model going forward, as we also value the networking and organic learning that in person meetings offer. While the first quarter of 2023 will remain virtual, we hope to be in a position to resume luncheon meetings a few times a year beginning in 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2023! The health and safety of our members and guests is still our top priority and we will comply with all state, city and local guidelines as we plan our future events. We are always open to suggestions of speakers and topics that enrich our community of workers’ compensation professionals. Please contact us at NBWCA.MAIL@GMAIL.COM with your suggestions. Thank you for your continued support of the North Bay Workers’ Compensation Association. |
Upcoming events
Not a member yet? Why not join us? |
Get involved: There are openings on our 2022 Education Committee and Public Relations Committee. It is a great way to get involved with NBWCA and have your say regarding upcoming speakers, topics and events. And if you are interested in joining the Board of Directors you must serve on one of these committees. Yes, it is a lot of work but it can also be a lot of fun. Interested? Please email your interest area to NBWCA.mail@gmail.com |
LEARN MORE Please see our "About Us" page for more information regarding the Association and membership. Please check our Resources Page for links to Workers Compensation Information, and to other ICA Associations and Chapters. |
Thanks to our generous sponsors the NBWCA has donated monies to Kids Chance of California. Kids’ Chance of California is a non-profit charitable organization whose mission is to provide need-based educational scholarships to the children of California workers who have been fatally or seriously injured on the job. Please see their website at kidschanceca.org to: Give a donation or ask your company to sponsor. Refer an applicant from your case load. Volunteer on a committee. |
NorthBay Workers' Compensation Association
1275 Fourth Street, PMB 234
Santa Rosa, CA 95404